
Yesterday and 2 days ago, I’m so surprised w/ my university friends. Yap! pada hari pertama hampir gak begitu menyenangkan. BUT, di sore hari nya, teman-teman kuliah ganti foto ВВМ mereka dengan foto mereka masing-masing, w/ the words “Happy B-Day *******!!”. Jujur, gue terharu. Dan gue kira cuma sampai disitu aja (wajar….manusia selalu mengharap lebih ☺ ).
And you know what?! In the day 2, mereka buatin gue video (walaupun ada sedikit yg annoying di dalemnya hihihi). Dan….tepat! ketika temen-temen gue pasang itu video beserta soundtrack nya Happy Birthday by The Click Five, 2orang dari mereka datang memberi kue dengan lilin yg menyala.

Damn….I’m so fuckin happy yesterday! You know?? that’s my dream . I was dreaming got a surprise with pictures of people who congratulated me and also with the accompaniment of the song Happy Birthday by The Click Five. And now…….

it wasn’t just a dream anymore for me!! ALL THAT HAS BECOME A REALITY for me \(•ˆ⌣ˆ‎​​​​•)/ Although some of Alpus’s friends not coming..
By the way, I wanna say BIGH THANK YOU for you guys…. For university’s friends, for alpus’s friends. I’m nothing without you guys……….. (˘ﻬ˘)

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